- Attendance
There is a close relationship between academic success and school attendance. Good attendance habits learned and developed in school will be carried over into the world of work. The rewards for good attendance at CHS are increased learning and an increased probability that students will be successful. Of equal importance is the development and practice of dependability and punctuality (two essential skills in the world of work). Most important is the need to attend in order to learn from both teachers and classmates. To our knowledge, no student who had perfect attendance has ever failed in learning. High School education is a privilege; regular and consistent attendance is a condition of that privilege. Good attendance and good grades go hand in hand and are the result of efforts on the part of students, parents, teachers, and administrators. Meaningful learning activities take place each day in each class and education is both cumulative and sequential; therefore, it is imperative to attend. Students are expected to be in school each day school is in session.
Notification of an absence by parents
By state statute, it is the duty of the parent or guardian of a student to notify the school concerning the cause of any absence. This should be done between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on the day the student misses school. School personnel will make every reasonable effort to notify the parent or guardian of an absence for any part of the school day unless the parent or guardian notifies the school of such absence. It is important for a student to accept responsibility for his/her behavior. Accordingly, if a student is out of school without his/her parent’s permission, he/ she will not be allowed to make up the missed work. An absence of this nature is known as an UNEXCUSED absence.
Unexcused absence
- If you leave campus and do not check out and receive an early dismissal slip.
- Presenting an unacceptable verification or notes for excused absence (see excused absences).
- Failing to have parent/guardian authorization
- Oversleeping
- Missed bus
Absences on day of activity
See OSSAA guidelines.
Absences for extracurricular activity
An absence for a student who has to miss school for a Choctaw High School activity will be counted as an activity absence. This absence will not count towards administrative failure. Students should pay close attention to the state’s ten-day activity absence policy. (See OSSAA guidelines)
Administrative discretion absences
At times a principal may excuse an absence at his discretion that are not activity or documented absences. These could include, but not limited to: college visits, working as a page, community related functions, school district related functions or other family emergencies that may arise.
College Visits
Choctaw High School seniors are given two days to visit a college of their choice, which could include residual ACT dates or enrollment. This absence does not count against the ten-day rule or administrative failure. The senior is strongly advised to clear the absence with the senior principal BEFORE they miss school. Documentation from the school visited may be required upon the students return. The administration strongly encourages the seniors to take a college visit on the day of enrollment in the spring, which seniors are not required to attend or snow make-up days.
Excused Absence
- To make an absence excused, a parent must make contact by phone or in person to the main office.
- An excused absence must be cleared within 48 hours or it becomes an unexcused absence and discipline action may occur.
- A parent notifying the office does not make the absence a documented absence (see below).
Documented Absence
- A documented absence is necessary to keep the student from being truant.
- A documented absence can be defined as: a doctor’s note, a court document, or funeral information.
- The main office must have this documentation if not; the absence will count as a personal absence, which counts towards administrative failure.
- The principals will make final determination as to whether or not an absence is excused or unexcused and the acceptability of documentation.
Mandated/Attendance Policy
In order to encourage attendance in school, the following procedures and guidelines shall be used:
A student who is absent five days or parts of days within any one nine week period (block) is in violation of the school’s attendance policy. When a student is found in violation of the policy the guardian of the student or the student if over 16, will be written a ticket for truancy for the amounts listed below. Additional court costs will be added as well.
1st Offense: $25-50
2nd Offense: $50-$100
3rd Offense: $100 - $250
*A student cannot exceed 18 total absences for the year.