Attendance-Home and School Communications
- Attendance
Absence Reporting
It is the student’s responsibility to tell the parent when there has been an absence. Also, it is the student who should ensure that the parent knows how and when to contact the school. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the parent to ensure that the contact has been made and not forgotten. All absences must be cleared within 48 hours or the absence is unexcused.
Answering Machine: An answering machine, (390-8899) will be available during non-school hours, seven days a week to take your attendance message.
Guaranteeing the Call: It is advisable to have your student drop by the attendance office the following day to insure that the call was received. Calling as soon as possible will give us extra time to clear up any confusion. If you feel there are special considerations to be made regarding your calls to the school, please call the Attendance Office during working periods and discuss the matter with the secretaries. Also, if there are ever any questions regarding calls received in your name, please feel free to contact the school.
Leaving Campus/Returning To School During the Day
Students reporting to school after 8:10 a.m. and during a regular class period, must report to the main office to get an admit slip to class. THIS SLIP IS NOT AN EXCUSED TARDY OR EXCUSED ABSENCE ADMIT. The parent must still contact the school to explain the nature of the student’s absence. (If the parent brings or returns the student to campus, it is preferred to have the parent accompany the student to the main office. When this is possible, all attendance questions can be cleared up immediately and will not require any further calls). Students having off campus appointments must have their parent notify the office at least one period prior to the student’s dismissal. If a student has an emergency and needs to leave school during class time, he/she must report to the main office, contact a parent by phone, and let the Attendance Secretary talk to the parent before the student leaves campus. Note: if a parent cannot be contacted, the Principal or Vice Principal must be notified before the student leaves campus. We do not feel that there are any reasons for a student having to leave campus without notifying the main office. Any student leaving campus (or the classroom) without prior approval, or administrative permission, will be issued an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE.