Campus Restriction

  • General Information
Campus Restriction

All freshmen and sophomores will remain on campus for lunch. Choctaw High School has a modified Open/Closed lunch policy. Seniors and juniors may leave campus during their lunch period. Misbehavior off campus during lunch could lead to disciplinary action, including but not limited to restriction to campus for lunch. Students who remain on campus for lunch may be in the cafeteria, picnic area, courtyard, or hallways. No students should be in the area around the vehicles during the lunch period. Freshmen and sophomores will not be in the parking lot during the school day. Any senior or junior who takes a freshman or sophomore off campus at lunch in their automobile will have their “Open Campus” privilege revoked.

Parents of seniors and juniors who wish to have their child restricted to campus at lunch may do so by contacting the student’s assistant principal.

Discipline for closed campus violations:

In parking lot or found off campus at lunch:
1st offense: Warning
2nd offense: Lunch Detention
3rd offense: ISI

Taking restricted student to lunch or being repeatedly tardy to or skipping the class directly following lunch:
1st offense: Warning
2nd offense: Lunch Detention
3rd offense: ISI and/or campus restriction